Monday, November 30, 2009

Decorating for Christmas.

Christmas decorating is something kind of new to me. But, I figure that now I am married and have a step-son I should maybe quit being such a Scrooge. Besides, I have some really neat Santa(even though I don't believe in him) ornaments that a friend of mine made for me. I love them.
Anyway, the tree is up after some issues with making it actually stand up. And while we were under the stairs finding the tree we found a tote with various things including a stocking that L had made. We never did stockings when I was little but I think that it will be fun to do.

Dave and I went to town last night and I mentioned that I wanted some lights and ornaments to go on the tree....

For our 3' tree he bought a 96' string of lights. I'll post a photo went we get them on. His idea is "if we have enough lights we don't need no stinkin' ornaments."

So, I went back to town today without him to look for the rest of what I wanted. I didn't get any ornaments but, I did get a tree skirt, 3 stockings, and some tins for packing cookies for gifts. I looked for stocking holders but, holy cats! There is no way I'm spending that much on them! I'm using those hooks that stick to the wall.

I also got a bunch of my gifts wrapped today. Boo yah! :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back to posting, maybe?

Wow, it was a busy summer. No excuse, I know. But, here I am, laid off and with time on my hands. Might as well start keeping this blog up to date. :)
All in all it was has been a pretty good year. Work went well.

I got my official Black Belt in June. Now, I'm thinking about testing in January for my stripe. (There are 2 before I can test for my 2nd dan.)

Our reception in August went well. Hot, but it was August.

Competed in St. Louis MO. in September. I got 1st in forms.

Work occupied October and most of November.

Thanksgiving went well. No shopping the day after(that's just crazy).
I put up a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. It was Dave's Grandma's tree. No ornaments yet. Just a couple of paper garlands that L helped make. I'll put a picture up sometime. After it is fully decorated.