Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I love Sparkpeople. If you haven't heard of it, it's a fitness website. It really helps me get rid of a lot of the excuses I use to not workout. I'm not in terrible shape and I do go to 2-3 TKD classes a week, but when I'm at home I have a very hard time convincing myself to do something besides Face book. I just did about an hour of the videos that are on You Tube. And it feels really good! They also have a nutrition tracker and that has made me realize how lacking in nutrients my diet is. Refined carbs, anyone? I even bought a multi-vitamin to take. I'm trying a gummy one because the hard ones make me sick. I still have to figure out how to get enough calcium, though. Don't tell me to drink milk. I'm really not a big fan of that.