Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stupid snow.

So, where I work does snow removal in the winter and this winter we got a contract with a bank to do removal for their 4 locations in town. Usually its the guys that do it but they asked if I would be backup help and I said yes. I was really hoping they would never need me but Travis called me Friday about helping on Saturday. We were supposed to start at 2am Saturday. So I got about 1 hour of sleep Friday night. My brother works there too and he is on the same crew so I rode with him. We started at 2 and got done with our 3rd pass at noon. I'm sooooo happy the snow was fluffy and not wet. I would swear that there was already at least 2 1/2 inches when we started and it kept coming until mid morning. Then we had to go back after the banks closed to clean up the edges. So I did about 12 hours of snow work yesterday. It sucked but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
I was also supposed to have my post-wedding bridal shower yesterday morning. That got canceled because of the weather. We are hoping to reschedule but I don't know how that will work out.

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